Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Ocean Within

 “Listen more deeply, unwind inhibitive patterns and activate your inner knowing and vital energy.”

Michelle: movingfromtheinside.com

At Light Tree we are continuing with our practice of cultivating body wisdom through the ‘felt sense’. As we carry on with our journey of the heart, we are learning more about being present and listening to the inner dialogue that constantly flows from source, whether we are aware of it or not.

As we ponder the nature of healing, we are struck by this explanation of how blocks to being fully alive come to reside within our bodies. We know that physical ailments mirror mental or emotional hurts, but Michelle seems to get to the heart of the matter with this description…

Inward-outward (www.opentothelight.com)

“If you are triggered by one of your brain glitches (repressed self- judgments) …you automatically react by controlling what you feel is too uncomfortable to receive…You banish it from your consciousness and attempt to hide it by storing it deeply inside the tissues of your body as an energy block.”

The bodies attempt to unwind appears to take place in many ways. For example, sometimes the ‘brain glitch’ appears as a persistent or repetitive pain. We are exploring what happens when we sit with discomfort and do not judge or try and ‘do’ anything about it. Instead of trying to fix it, we can sit and just notice with our felt sense and wait patiently for it to reveal its message. Once it does, the pain or discomfort shifts and often disappears altogether. It is our resistance that makes it persist.

Sometimes it is helpful to consult a professional who is skilled in acupuncture, massage therapy, cranio-sacral therapy or other gentle methods of releasing trapped tension and stress. Suppressing or drowning out the body’s wisdom does not make it go away. It simply waits patiently or reappears in another form until we are ready to listen.

At the end of the day, our body is simply a communication device. It is a wholly neutral thing which conveys our innermost thoughts, beliefs and emotional states. It reflects the vast ocean of being that is our true nature and is communicating this awareness continually. All we need to do is be still and listen.